We visited “Card Shop Ponpoko,” a store specializing in Trading cards that opened last month in Akihabara! Of course, they have installed our showcases for[…]
Our trading card displays are easy to install. You will need to assemble the gondola fixtures to install your trading card showcase, but they can[…]
We have shipped the TCG Display we created to France.We are relieved to hear that the product has arrived safely. We ship to all over[…]
Hi The trading card display uses an aluminum frame. Aluminum is a rust-resistant and bend-resistant material.For this reason, it is often used for high-end showcases.[…]
Hello We visited a store that has installed our Trading Card Display. A large number of trading cards were neatly displayed in the store.The silver[…]
Hello!! Our Trading Card Display is used at the Trading Card Sore in Akihabara. Our Trading Card Case is designed to display trading cards. A[…]
Today’s “What’s so great about TCG Display? is about doors! (Senbi’s TCG Display for Trading Cards have sliding doors. Sliding doors have the following advantages.[…]
Hi Our Trading Card Display is the most famous in Japan and is used in many stores in Akihabara. Our display cases are designed to[…]
Hi Our Trading Card Display is the most famous in Japan and is used in many stores in Akihabara. They can be positioned vertically and[…]
Hi Our Trading Card Display is the most famous in Japan and is used in many stores in Akihabara Japan. They can be positioned vertically[…]